Fascial Distortion Model (FDM)

What is Fascial Distortion Model?
The Fascial Distortion Model (FDM) is an anatomical perspective, originated by US physician Stephen Typaldos, D.O., in which the underlying etiology of virtually every musculoskeletal injury (and many neurological and medical conditions) is considered to be comprised of one or more of six specific pathological alterations of the body’s connective tissues (fascial bands, ligaments, tendons, retinacula, etc.).
Dr. Typaldos described six principal types of fascial distortions, each with its own body language, signature presentation and likely outcome with and without Fascial Distortion Model treatments.

Triggerbands are twisted bands of fibers that run along a linear pathway. These distortions are like seams that have become separated, torn, twisted, wrinkled, or sprained. Triggerbands are the most common type of Fascial Distortion seen clinically as they usually present in patients that have experienced repetitive, acute and chronic sprain/strain injuries.

Continuum Distortions™
Continuum Distortions occur when the transition zone between ligaments, tendon, or other tissue, and bone have lost their ability to respond to external forces. These distortions typically occur at attachment sites and are clinically responsible for the creation of bone spurs if untreated.

Cylinder Distortions™
Herniated Triggerpoints, or HTP’s, are injuries where tissues that normally lay underneath a fascial layer have breached their surrounding. These distortions typically will bulge through their adjacent fascial plane and create localized pain that can radiate throughout a region of the body.

Herniated Triggerpoints™
Herniated Triggerpoints, or HTP’s, are injuries where tissues that normally lay underneath a fascial layer have breached their surrounding. These distortions typically will bulge through their adjacent fascial plane and create localized pain that can radiate throughout a region of the body.

Tectonic Fixations™
A Tectonic Fixation is defined as a physiological alteration where the fascial surfaces have lost their ability to glide. These are most common in jointed areas that have become fixated, or stiff and typically are accompanied by a marked loss of range of motion.