Exercise Therapy
Restore normal musculoskeletal function and reduce pain
Why do i need exercise therapy?
The human body makes most of its changes due to a “supply and demand” type of feature. It adapts to what we do and how we move, or how we don’t, and exercise therapy helps correct this. Our sitting and cell phone culture displays the devastating effects posture can have by causing hip restrictions, lower back tightness, neck pain, and tight painful shoulders. If your body is adapted to something like sitting and then you try to walk, run, jump or throw, you will be forced to do these movements while your body still utilizes a sitting type posture. This results in a few segments taking excessive strain. In the short-term this may only increase the risk of injury, but in the long term it causes degeneration of joints, inflamed muscles and tendons, and nerve irritation. This is the most common reason why people attend physiotherapy for a pain that isn’t associated with an actual injury.
Therefore, if we want to properly address the problem then we must employ a change to how the body holds itself and moves. Usually this starts with basic stretching, postural exercises and simple exercises to begin addressing the movement dysfunction. Your program will often be advanced to include movements that are larger in motion, include more body parts and resemble more of how we naturally move.

What does exercise therapy do?
The goal of exercise therapy is to not only promote tissue healing and to develop strength, but to help the body move better so it can absorb and transmit forces to multiple structures and act like a giant elastic band. This not only rehabilitates the problem, but helps prevent it from re-occurring.